Japan June 2014- Q&Q Pop-Up Store at Omotesando Hills
Our Warmest Konichiwa! We have just returned from the official launch of Q&Q SmileSolar watches at Omotesando Hills, Tokyo Japan, and it was an exciting experience seeing how Q&Q SmileSolar was showcased along Tokyo's prime-most shopping district. Right along the walkways and throngs of Tokyo fashionites, Q&Q's splash of red was a definite eye-catcher. We were most delighted to have met and caught up with the various brand & marketing personnels, talents, and designers who made Q&Q SmileSolar watches shine on a global stage. With their very own ring-flash photo booth which loads directly onto various iPads within the store! The actual watches on light boxes and of course the most iconic bubble-gum dispenser machine! Overall, with Q&Q...